Thursday, February 18, 2010

Preventing Soda Pop Syndrome

To Prevent Soda Pop Syndrome:

1. Limit the amount of soda in your diet
2. Rinse with water after drinking soda to shorten exposure to dental enamel
3. See your dental professional for regular check ups and to strengthen tooth enamel through fluoride therapy.

Your dentist may recommend:

1. Professional applied fluoride
2. Prescription strength fluoride toothpastes and rinses

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Symptoms of Soda Pop Syndrome

Symptoms of Soda Pop Syndrome:

1. Chalky appearance to the teeth
2. Lost surface definition
3. Extensive cavities

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soda Pop Syndrome

Know the perils of "pop" which can cause Soda Pop Syndrome. Did you know that drinking soft drinks lowers the acidity, or pH level, of your mouth to below the level at which enamel decalcification occurs? It takes approximately 20 minutes for the pH to get back to normal. This is why continuous sipping over the course of the day is so destructive.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Help for Haiti

Working in conjunction with Main Street Christian Church, the staff at Jarrell Orthodontics is collecting supplies for the Haiti Christian Outreach program. We will accept supplies beginning today, through 4 p.m. on Thursday, February 11 at our office at 314 E. Alto Road in Kokomo. Patients in the Logansport area may drop supplies off from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10 in our Logansport office at 8 Chase Park.

The following items have been requested:

• Peanut butter
• Meats (canned or foil package)
• Bottled water

Medical Supplies:
• Dressings, gauze
• Surgical supplies
• Gloves, tape
• Suture materials
• Alcohol
• Peroxide
• Antibiotic cream (Neosporin)
• Vaseline
• Ziploc bags – all sizes

Over the Counter Medicines:
• Tylenol or ibuprofen
• Antacids (Tums)
• Cough medicine
• Prenatal vitamins
• Anti-diarrhea medications (like Imodium) tablets or capsules (not liquid or liquid-gels)
• Anti-itch cream (Benadryl)
• Eye drops – non medicated (saline…liquid tears), etc.

The scope of the tragedy that has befallen Haiti is such that it will take everyone working together to put that country back on the road to recovery. We appreciate any help you can provide.

Thank you!

Carrie Giannakos
Professional Relations Coordinator